Back-to-School Inspiration

Whether you’re looking to get excited about the upcoming semester or if you’re in need of some motivation a few months down the road… I present to you my Master Post of Back-to-School Inspiration! The Secret History Donna Tartt Old School Tobias Wolff Final Club Geoffrey Wolff The Starboard Sea Amber Dermont A Good School Richard YatesContinue reading “Back-to-School Inspiration”

Hello, Fall Semester!

It’s so strange to say it, but I’m about to start my senior year of college! This is officially my last Fall semester and it’s actually kind of sad. There’s nothing like returning to campus in autumn with new books, empty notebooks, and an actual desire to spend late nights in the library working on some assignment thatContinue reading “Hello, Fall Semester!”

A Day in the Life

I’ve always loved reading “Day in the Life” posts. I love when my favorite bloggers post them because it’s interesting to me to see how other people manage their time, especially other college students. Recently, I read a few “Week in the Life” posts from students in Stanford’s MBA program so that I could get a betterContinue reading “A Day in the Life”

First Day of Class Outfits

Classes start for me next Tuesday, so I’m already thinking about my first day outfits. These obviously depend on the weather where you live, especially taking this Polar Vortex thing into account. So, if you live in the North, feel free to disregard some of the warm weather outfits until later in the spring semester!Continue reading “First Day of Class Outfits”


Are you the type of person who wants to do everything, but just can’t seem to find the time or the means to do it all? I find that my brain has a tendency to pull me in a thousand different directions at any given moment. I want to queue up some blog posts, but I’d alsoContinue reading “Goal-Setting”